Suppose I survey $n$ people, chosen randomly in Eugene, asking how many miles they commute to work.
Claim: there is a 95% probability that the mean distance commuted by people in Eugene is between $\bar x - 1.96 s / \sqrt{n}$ and $\bar x - 1.96 s / \sqrt{n}$, where $\bar x$ is my sample mean, $s$ is my sample SD, and $n$ is my sample size.
Exercise: come up with a distribution for the number of miles commuted by someone in Eugene.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
rng = np.random.default_rng()
prop_zero = 0.15 # proportion of people working at home
prop_faraway = 0.05
mean_nearby = 9 # miles, mean distance for nearby people
sd_nearby = 3 # miles, sd distance for nearby people
mean_faraway = 60 # miles, mean of Exponential for 'faraway'
def sample(n):
# sample size is n
x = np.repeat(0.0, n)
where = rng.choice(['home', 'near', 'far'], size=n, p=[prop_zero, 1 - prop_zero - prop_faraway, prop_faraway])
x[where == 'near'] = rng.normal(loc=mean_nearby, scale=sd_nearby, size=np.sum(where == 'near'))
x[where == 'far'] = rng.exponential(scale=mean_faraway, size=np.sum(where == 'far'))
return x
x = sample(n = 10000)
plt.hist(x, bins=60);
plt.hist(np.fmin(60, x), bins=60)
plt.xlabel("distance traveled, truncated at 60 miles");
from scipy.stats import t
def get_cis(x):
xbar = np.mean(x)
s = np.std(x)
n = len(x)
tstar = t.ppf(.975, df=n-2)
return (xbar - tstar * s / np.sqrt(n), xbar + tstar * s / np.sqrt(n))
n = 100 # sample size
num_samples = 1000
cis = np.array([get_cis(sample(n)) for _ in range(num_samples)])
But wait, what's the true mean? Let's find out with simulation:
ns = 100000
np.mean(sample(ns)), np.mean(sample(ns)), np.mean(sample(ns))
(10.192560849273882, 10.20505804800794, 10.1681904399282)
true_mean = np.mean(sample(1_000_000))
cis[:, 0] <= true_mean,
cis[:, 1] >= true_mean
We see that our "95% confidence intervals" are only covering the true value about 80% of the time. (!!?!?!)
Recall that the construction of the confidence interval is an "asymptotic" result: it's guaranteed to be better, the bigger $n$ is, but not exactly true at any particular value of $n$ unless the data are Normally distributed.
We've got a lot of pretty big outliers, so the data are very non-Normal, and $n=100$ is pretty big, but apparently not big enough.
Note: we verified this interpretation by setting the proprotion of faraway commuters to 0 and re-running.